
OOH and DOOH carbon measurement capabilities

OVA, MediaSquare's proprietary technology, has been developed to answer the dual question asked by many publishers:

How to both optimise revenues and carbon footprint?

Developed by Media Square in 2022, OVA initially sought to filter ad calls in order to

  • reduce time out

  • improve bid rates

And only approach SSPs when a request had a high conversion potential.

By systematically filtering requests, OVA has considerably reduced

  • calls to SSPs

  • the carbon footprint of programmatic activity


  • Deployed on Le Point's programmatic activity, OVA achieved in 60 days:

    → 25% reduction in the number of requests over the period

    • No significant impact on Le Point's programmatic revenues (loss of turnover<0.05%)

    • No impact on revenue trends, which remained in line with those observed in N-1

      → Increase in the value of requests sent

      • RPM up 31% over the period

      • Sustainable increase in bid rate

        → Savings of more than 3 tons of CO2 equivalent, similar to 2 Paris-NYC round trips

  • -3

    tonnes CO2e

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