Part of IAB Europe's Mapping of Greenhouse Gas Estimation Solutions

Example of the Life Cycle Analysis of a digital service
Example of the Life Cycle Analysis of a service

An example of a digital service lifecycle:

  1. Design

  2. Several advertising allocations

  3. Storage

  4. Network distribution

  5. Use

  6. Back to design

Methodology of our Carbon Evaluation

Working groups, led by corresponding trade associations (SRI/Alliance Digitale for digital, SNPTV for TV, Bureau de la Radio for radio, etc.), have developed specific frameworks for each type of media. These frameworks, often co-developed with DK, serve as a basis for calculating the carbon footprint of an ad. They also provide industry-specific data to supplement information from reference organizations like ADEME, the European Commission, or the European Environment Agency (EEA). Furthermore, these frameworks define the measurement scope and the activity flows to consider.

DK's solution is scalable and designed to improve carbon measurement, particularly in the media and communication industry. Our solution is applicable across all markets. We actively engage with relevant organizations such as the Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM), a cross-industry initiative established by the World Federation of Advertisers. Additionally, DK is part of the IAB EU Sustainability group.


Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a technique used to evaluate the environmental impacts associated with all stages of a product, process, or service's life cycle. In the context of a manufactured product, this involves assessing environmental impacts from raw material extraction, processing, manufacture, distribution, product use, and material recycling or final disposal.

For advertising, the raw materials consist of the media enabling its broadcast, the advertisement's creation, and how consumers perceive it. The mix of these elements varies based on the channel. For instance, a billboard typically only contains the advertisement with no additional content, but the disposal phase is significant when the poster is removed or recycled.

To calculate advertising's carbon footprint, we employ the LCA's methodological principle, adjusted to each channel and following the guidelines defined by each sector (IAB Europe, GARM, Union des Marques, WFA, SNPTV, Bureau de la Radio, Alliance Digitale/SRI...). For more information, see the methodological note for each media we assess below.


Why calculate the carbon emissions of my ad campaigns?

Start by measuring the carbon emissions of each online & off-line campaign. If you don't know how big the carbon footprint of each of your campaigns are, then you won't know how to lower your impact

What type of media does DK support?

All of them! DK is the only company to offer a measurement tool for all media, on and off-line. Our analyses cover Radio, Print, Linear TV, CTV, Digital, Social Networks (Meta/FB, Tiktok, Youtube), E-mailing and Outdoor.

What is programmatic ?

Programmatic advertising is an automated digital advertising buying process. It takes place through technological platforms that enable real-time connections between sellers and buyers of ad space, with targeting capabilities based on the environment, user profile, geolocation, time of day, and more.

How does DK's carbon analysis work?

DK offers a tool incorporating data from the frameworks developed by the trade bodies of each media, following the Bilan Carbone methodology. Unlike other companies, DK has designed its solutions to minimize the carbon footprint of the measurement.

In which geographical areas can DK be activated?

Our calculator was originally designed for use in France, but can be used in any other country, provided we are familiar with its practices regarding the storage, distribution and use of advertising (Life Cycle Analysis).

What is LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) and what does it refer to?

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is the most advanced evaluation tool for a comprehensive, multi-criteria approach to environmental impact. LCA lists and quantifies the greenhouse gas emissions generated by advertising, taking into account storage (servers), distribution (networks) and use (terminals) for each of the media whether TV, Print, Digital or Radio

Want to discover more about DK?

Schedule an appointment with a member of our team to introduce our tool and get a free audit