Part of IAB Europe's Mapping of Greenhouse Gas Estimation Solutions

Illustration d'un caddie avec un signe recyclage à l'intérieur et le numéro 12

Objective 12: Responsible consumption and production

We prioritize reducing the carbon impact of communications campaigns.

Through our digital platform and services, we assist brands, agencies, media sales houses and publishers in executing low-carbon communication campaigns. This support is available to all business sectors and media globally.

Objective 13: Measures to combat climate change

We suggest specific actions to brands and their suppliers to lower their communications' carbon footprint.

Our support is given through a sustainable and gradual approach: providing reduction tips, offering training in responsible advertising, and conducting workshops to formalise and implement reduction measures, among other methods.

Illustration d'un globe avec un signe coché à côté et le numéro 13
Illustration représentant 6 pallets alimentant tous une flèche qui monte au milieu et le numéro 17

Objective 17: Partnerships to achieve the objectives

Every company should be mobilized around Agenda 2030.

The aim is to cultivate sustainable partnerships. That's why we're collaborating with cross-industry organizations like the SNPTV (Syndicat National de la Publicité Télévisée), the Bureau de la Radio, GARM and IAB Europe to form partnerships dedicated to a responsible approach.

Want to discover more about DK?

Schedule an appointment with a member of our team to introduce our tool and get a free audit